I've seen a few comments on
my tarot-themed posts from people who have cards but don't really use them or
aren't sure how to start, so I thought I'd share a few ideas for learning to
work with them.
Joan Bunnings, Learning the Tarot

Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI)
Assuming you are in the UK,
TABI are fantastic, with a lively forum, an excellent beginners' course and
mentoring for more developed readers. You can also join their team of readers
providing free readings via the website, which is a brilliant way to hone your
skills. (If you're in the USA, the ATA - American Tarot Association - seems to
be an equivalent, although of course I have no personal experience of them).
Teresa Michelsen, The
Complete Tarot Reader: Everything You Need to Know from Start to Finish
This book is as comprehensive as the subtitle sounds. It's also very detailed, going way beyond the basics without requiring any prior
I'll feature more in-depth reviews
of decks and books as the blog develops, so there will also be something here
for the more experienced reader. If that's you, I'd also recommend checking out
my blogroll, as there are several good tarot blogs there.
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